Stephan Richter

Stephan Richter

* 27.04.1967
† 18.03.2022 in Herzogenaurach
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Angelegt am 22.03.2022
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Finding Words

22.03.2022 um 19:21 Uhr von Kelly Ann Hartmann

Dear Stephan, 

Your passing ends any hope of seeing you again in person, but I believe we will see you again in spirit one day. I and my family are so thankful to have gotten to know you a bit more in the 3 years since we have reconnected.  

I know that Stephan's uncle, Michael Hartmann was so happy to have been able to have a video chat and speak to you before his passing in 2019.  There is so much that the two have missed, but now, they rejoice and share together in heaven.  

Stephan and I shared many emails these last 3 years about our families and learned as much as we can about the family. I met Stephan in person when he was about 17 years old and came to the USA with his mom and sister.  I have only ONE photo of him from that visit of He and his sister, my two children at the time, Lauren and Jacob (His first cousins), and their Oma (Hildegard Hartmann) together.  I sure wish we had cell phone cameras back then, I would have taken so many more!  (1984)   

I have many stories I can tell your children of their Uncle Mike, and their great Oma and Opa Hartmann.  I love family history, and the stories give it life.  I remember many people from the family in Germany and those I met in person when they visited the USA.  I have tried to stay in touch through the years, but until the internet, it was hard to find people.  

Stephan, I am sad you are gone and Lauren, Jacob and Caleb will not get to know you more, as they had hoped to one day visit Germany, or you and your family come here and get together.  However, they still can visit with your children and build the family back up.  

I will write the stories I know of the family and send that with pictures to your children so they can know their cousins more.  

Rest in peace Stephan, I know your wife and two children will, and do, Miss you so much.  

Love,  Kelly Hartmann-San Diego, California, USA